EyeglassRetailerReviews is currently in archival status.

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Contacting Me:

Questions? Comments? Bought glasses recently? Send me a message! I’m always interested in hearing about ways to improve the site (what’s helped you, what hasn’t, etc). Letting me know how your own experience went helps me to identify retailer trends, and helps me to see if my own reviews are reflecting the experiences others are having in addition to indicating whether there are aspects I should be paying more attention to in the reviews for the site.

Unfortunately, I had to remove the contact form again (darn spam bots), but you can send me an email at:

If you aren’t a fan of email, you can try sending me a quick message on Twitter or Google+, but I’m not as active on those so YMMV.



Looking for the FAQ’s? There are a couple, one aimed at answering common reader questions, and another aimed at answering common retailer questions. I’ve received numerous questions over the years and most of the common ones are answered within. Of course, you can always contact me via email via the address above.

Readers – FAQ Retailers – FAQ


Submit a review:

Have you purchased from a retailer and would like to have your review shared on this site to help others? Simply send me an email with the details & pictures!

A few notes about your review:

  1. Just send it as a regular email with pictures attached – you can use whatever format you like (I’ll adapt it to fit the site).
  2. Please include the dates when possible. Knowing whether glasses took a couple days to arrive or a couple weeks can help other readers who might have time constraints. The dates also help me see whether shipping times are improving over time, are slow to certain areas of the world, etc.
  3. Be as truthful and unbiased as possible. If you had a bad experience with a retailer, write about it, but don’t exaggerate or make false claims. The same applies if you had a good experience. Be truthful, but don’t speak more highly of the retailer than they deserve. Remember that others may buy from a retailer based on what you’ve written. If you’ve spoken too highly of a retailer, another buyer may have higher expectations than they should, and will be disappointed after they’ve made their purchase.
  4. By default I’ll usually use your first name in the heading so that it becomes: “_____ review by Firstname“. I know that a number of people are concerned about their online privacy, so if there is a different name/nickname/handle you would prefer I use (fake names are fine), or if you’d like to be listed as “anonymous”, let me know.

I can’t promise that I’ll put up all reviews, but I do approve the vast majority. Note that I reserve the right to make minor edits (usually spelling, formatting, etc).

Thanks! Again, the email address to send to is matt@eyeglassretailerreviews.com.


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